Beyond Delicious_ The Unexpected Benefits of Gingerbread

Beyond Delicious: The Unexpected Benefits of Gingerbread

When you think of gingerbread, you might think of a delicious sweet treat covered in icing that usually comes out around Christmas-time. But there’s a lot more to gingerbread than just being a seasonal cookie – especially Hosome’s gingerbread! From the health benefits of high-quality ingredients to the comfort of a guilt-free sweet treat, there’s a lot to love about gingerbread.


The Surprising Health Benefits of Ginger and Spices

Ginger is more than just a delicious spice. One of the natural components of ginger, gingerol, aids in digestion, helping food move through the gut. It can also help with:

  • Nausea – Quicker digestion and anti-inflammatory properties can ease nauseous feelings.
  • Morning sickness – Ginger has been a popular choice for pregnant women for generations, with the ability to quell nausea and vomiting.
  • Chemotherapy – Post-chemotherapy nausea can be reduced by 40 percent with ginger if consumed alongside typical anti-vomiting drugs.
  • Gas and bloating – As ginger helps food move through the gut faster, it reduces the chance of constipation which causes painful gas and bloating.

But ginger isn’t the only super spice in gingerbread. Cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants, helps to lower blood sugar levels, and could even protect against heart disease. Cloves contain fibre, are high in antioxidants, and improve liver health. And nutmeg has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Our guilt-free gingerbread is packed full with all these powerful ingredients, so you can enjoy the taste as much as your body enjoys the health benefits.


The Health Benefits of Australian Honey

While traditional gingerbread is typically sweetened with molasses, at Hosome, our family recipe has always used pure 100% Australian Honey. Not only is Australian Honey some of the highest quality in the world thanks to our strict food production standards, but honey itself is a superfood! 

Honey is full of powerful antioxidants, vitamins, enzymes, and helpful bacteria which are great for your gut health and aiding in digestion. It’s also rich with phytonutrients, which can repair cells, boost your metabolism, and strengthen your immune system. Even the vitamins in honey (B2 and C) support cell function and promote healthy skin and bones!


The Mental Health Benefits of Gingerbread

Sometimes the only thing that can help on a bad day is a sweet treat. It’s even backed up by research – having a sugary treat improves your mood, giving you a hit of the feel-good chemicals, dopamine and serotonin. The natural sugars found in the Australian Honey we use in our gingerbread have the same effect, just minus the guilt of a chocolate bar packed with processed sugar. 

There’s also the connection between gingerbread and its nostalgic, festive taste and smell. Consuming treats that remind us of a certain time or place can add to the feel-good effect, especially if you’re taking a moment out of your day to sit and enjoy it. 

If you’re after a delicious, perfectly chewy treat that’s as good for you as it is for your tastebuds, it’s time to stock up on your favourite gingerbread cookies from Hosome. Whether it’s an Iced Dinosaur or a classic Gingerbread Man, your body will be thanking you for every bite!